Being A Leader Will Bring You Success

By Mandy Swift

Leadership calls for respect, and has nothing to do with 'like'. It took me a long time to realize that 'respect' has nothing to do with 'like' and, similarly, 'leadership' does not have to go hand in hand with 'telling people how to do something'. It is to do with inspiring people and empowering them to do things for themselves.

Leadership starts with respecting ourselves enough to be of service to ourselves. We need to show up every day in our lives and in our businesses and give both of them the respect they deserve. Quite simply, we can not expect respect from others if we don't respect ourselves.

As a child, we naturally assume that our parents will be our leaders. At school, we expect out teachers to be leaders. As adults, every single day, there is an expectation of leadership from the many people that we come into contact with.

We expect our manager to make the right decisions and lead the company to success. We expect sales assistants to 'be in charge' for us so that we can select and pay for our goods. We expect the bank clerk to explain the state of our finances and to lead us through our financial transactions.

Wed expect leadership in others literally every day. But what of the leadership we expect from ourselves? If we expect leadership from those around us, shouldn't we shoulder some of the responsibility of leadership too? Shouldn't we be demanding that we are also a role model?

So, the next time you are standing in line at the bank, or cussing the weatherman for getting the forecast wrong, ask yourself this - Are you a good leader for others in every area of your life every single day?

If you are a good leader, congratulations, I can guarantee that your life and your business are thriving at the moment. But if not, before you point and accuse other people, remember that that you are no better than them, and people you know are pointing at and blaming you. - 31963

About the Author:

Leadership Communication And Team Dynamics

By Marcia Xenitelis

Transformational leadership is all about steering the organization through change and that business outcomes are achieved because of the commitment and engagement of employees. One of the essential skills required to achieve this is to communicate change to their teams, however frequently they are not equipped with the appropriate tools to help them focus on the key message and to ensure that their team members are all facing in the one direction towards the new organizational vision.

A formalised approach to communicating with teams will ensure that leadership communication is focussed and that the same message is delivered to employees across the organization. A simple team briefing process that has three levels of cascading messages works as followings:

1. At the first level the Company President will brief his direct reports about the key issues for that week that he wants communicated to all employees. 2. This information is then distributed to all the executive team members who then are required to communicate those topics to their teams together with what they consider the top 5 issues for their division and then the top 5 topics for their respective team. 3. It is only the last section of a team brief that changes as this is directly related to how the corporate and divisional issues for the week relate to specific team issues. This section of the team briefing will always change depending on what the team is working on.

The reason this works is simple. The only aspect a manager has to think about is what is happening in the organization that will effect his team that week or month depending on the frequency of the team briefing process. The rest of the information is already determined by the divisional head and the CEO. The team brief should only take around 15 minutes so it can be incorporated into a regular team meeting.

And most importantly it is constant as the CEO has his Executive team meeting dates set for the entire year and this ensures that everyone from the Executive team to the frontline know what is happening in the organization.

Team dynamics is all about focussing employees in the same direction and team briefing provides the perfect tool to ensure that everyone understands the vision of the organization. Most importantly is provides a simple mechanism so that leaders and managers take the lead in ensuring that this happens.

All these factors combine to ensure that team briefings achieve the desired outcomes.

1. Make sure that you put in place a simple process 2. Make sure that the CEO drives it and that his direct reports understand the importance to the CEO - not you. Afterall you are not their boss, he is. 3. Ensure that the topics are the type of content that management are comfortable and knowledgeable about 4. Provide a feedback loop, again this is part of the process, if there is a question that management do not know the answer to, there must be a formal easy process for them to follow to quickly obtain the answer and respond to the employee. 5. Team briefings should only take 15 minutes, they can also be incorporated into regular weekly meetings.

When it comes to cascading information in a face to face format via management remember that as with anything, there will be some topics that employees want to hear directly from the CEO and other topics they are happy to hear from their manager. Generally when it comes to significant issues such as retrenchments, closure of offices and mergers or acquisitions employees generally want to hear this from the person at the top. Day to day, week by week and month by month operational issues they are comfortable in hearing from their manager who manages their daily work. - 31963

About the Author:

How To Marketing And Promote Your Book For Outstanding Success!

By Annie M. Jennings

Would you love to learn how promoting books can be done by your own power? A way that you will be able to market what you've written and have sales? You have many different ways that you can head out and complete your book promotion with the tools that are free to you.

Finding them is all about searching in the right spot. Simply doing a search for book publicity ideas will work. But you will need to learn how to use these tools in order to really earn money.

There are also other book marketing companies that will assist you in promoting books too. Though you are looking at some expensive help in many cases. Looking around and comparing what the programs they offer will help you with is a great start.

So that's why you may want to look at marketing books by your own tools you can find. These can be done with creating your own web site, and posting of blogs. Creating things like an RSS feed even to help with promoting.

There are several places out there that you can check to see if you can place your book on to sell too. Places like Amazon or even eBay has a place you may be able to place your work. It's all about finding and using the tools in the right way to drive the traffic in.

Figuring out the best places to reach your target audience will help in your promotion of your work. If you have a medical book of course you will focus on the medical community. Look for blogs and web sites that have to do with the specific or even general idea of what you've written.

Set out and do a search for news groups and blogs that deal with what you have written about. You can do the steps of promoting and marketing without paying other people. Just take the time to learn how and where to find the best information.

As people read more about you and even sign up and read your blogs they will begin to watch what you write. Also providing friends and family with your link if they enjoy it enough. - 31963

About the Author:

Who Is Anne Ahira?

By Angela Johnson

These days internet marketing and e-commerce are huge business. This is a field that has led the business world for the last several years, and Anne Ahira is a name that shines in this world. This is someone who has manage to succeed highly in Internet business even at a young age.

Anne Ahira has acquired her knowledge from the best of the best, and she has taken their methods to heart. These methods have been combined with a marketing program that she is able to bring to her clients.

Though Anne is still quite young, this is one of those rare businesses where age really does not matter. What does matter however is the tasks that must be done in order for a business to succeed in the online world. One of the most important things to remember is that the business requires search engine optimization. There are many other things that could be noted, but the most important thing to remember here is that these new tasks differ greatly from the old ones required to keep a standard business afloat, and in many cases the younger generation is more suited to the job.

At the beginning, Anne Ahira was a prodigy. Her original offering was a newsletter that she would distribute through e-mail. At that time she did not know how to use e-mail, but after being shown in 2001 her success was ensured.

By 2005, Ahira had expanded her internet marketing business into the Asian Brain Internet Marketing Center, currently the top school in the Indonesian region for Internet Marketing skills, and she's taught over a thousand students.

Teaching sessions by Anne Ahira are built around what works, why it works, and how it may change in the future. She spares no punches, and is quite up front about the things she tried that didn't work, and why, knowing that failure is a more rapid teacher than success.

A demonstration of her failures shows students that they can fail and still ultimately succeed so long as they are willing to try new things and take those risks. These students know exactly how to take their risks, and not follow the crowd.

Such teaching has taken Anne Ahira far. It has even gone so far as to earn her the Kartini Indonesia award among others.

She is also active in the APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperative) conferences, and in 2007 served as their keynote speaker, one of the few times that a woman has served in this role.

In addition to her other activities, Anne Ahira is a highly sought after speaker, and she provides plenty of seminars in Indonesia, and these can be on varied topics such as entrepreneurship, internet marketing, and a need for change in Indonesia. Anne Ahira is determined to lead Indonesia into the future.

- 31963

About the Author:

Mind Control Hypnosis Skills--Getting The Things You Want

By Dr. Anthony Taylor

The problem with most approaches practicing mind control hypnosis these days is the unrealistic importance upon hypnotic language patterns. Everyone has heard at some point in their lives that talk is cheap. Words do have their place in the art of mind control hypnosis, but words alone will only get you so far.

Think about it, if we could simply utter a few hypnotic words into someone's ear in order to hypnotize them, then we would all be filthy rich and living the exact type of life we wanted! Unfortunately, it isn't this simple. A lot more than language patterns are required in order to get what you want from other people. In life also, we must use more than words to get the things we want from other people. It is impossible to master hypnotic mind control by only learning hypnotic language patterns.

This means in order to completely master mind control hypnosis, that other hypnotic principles must be learned for you to be empowered to obtain success and greatness. One of the most vital things to consider is our social strategy. Social strategy empowers you to make essential alliances with any person you have access to in any social setting. If you can acquire the skill of consistently being able to acquire alliances, you will be able to elevate your social status.

Sometimes it isn't easy to make alliances with powerful people. For this reason you need to learn the entirety of what it means to play the alliance game so that you can master, not only individuals, but also groups. By having the power to make friends with other people, you have the power to get what you want from them. This powerful principle is the very essence of hypnotic mind control.

Hypnotic mind control is an art that utilizes everything that can be used in distinct situations in order to produce reliable results. Almost all of the hypnosis programs that are out there on the market today are entangled with hypnotic language patterns, and this is why these hypnosis programs aren't doing any people any good. In order for a hypnosis program to give you results, it must concentrate on social strategy and the diverse systems that can be used to make social strategy profit you in various social environments. - 31963

About the Author:

How To Strike It Rich Using Publicity Strategies & Success Principles

By Annie Jennings

What is the secret mindset behind successful business professional? What do they know that you want to know so you can achieve your own unlimited potential? Find out what successful book authors, speakers & experts that have in common so you can live your dreams and reach your goals. Business professionals use many resources including publicity, promotion and branding and then turn their media outreach into a huge competitive advantage, mega new clients & highly paid speaking events, plus earn big money for themselves.

Want success? Get ready to take action and take responsibility for your own achievements. Keep in mind that people are only limited by their committment to their success and their knowledge how to make it happen. You can have tons of committment but without the knowledge on how to get the things you want you will only be half-baked. People who make it big know this and never stop learning new strategies. They are ready to invest in their learning, both in time and money as they know they are their best investments. To make it in business, one of the secrets is to create a set of services and a business model that is optimized to deliver the outcome your target clients want to buy. To be successful, you need to pursue it each and every day, all day long.

Showcase your knowledge. Showcase your talent using media outreach. Your clients will love seeing you out there in the media sharing what you know and commenting on the issues. They like to know they are working with and hiring a pro. By doing publicity, marketing and promotion, you let your clients get an idea of your knowledge, wisdom and experience. You client will want to hire you. Clients want certainty. They want to hire the best. Their choice is not always about how much for you cost but made by how you can help them.

Be content driven in your communication with your prospective clients. Content that is king in marketing and promotion. Your goal is to share your message and do an outstanding job on your media interviews and in your newsletters. Pack your website with information to enrich people's lives. Have a bigger vision. Focus on sharing your knowledge responsibility with respectful marketing and your new clients will come. Take responsibility for your success. Use media placements such as radio interviews, TV appearances and commentary in newspapers, magazines and online to drive your marketing. Do not blame others for anything. Be accountable to yourself.

Have a terrific attitude. Commit to proven publicity, branding and marketing strategies. Do not fight success the whole way. Be optimistic. Then it will seem like everything you touch will turn to gold. Have confidence in yourself. Go with your gut, your intuition and your instincts when making choices. Be high energy. Be ready for success & take action. P.S. Don't stop until you get enough success! - 31963

About the Author:

Drive Traffic To Your Website Using Internet Marketing Promotion

By Annie M. Jennings

Everyone that I know would love to have there site number one when researching. That takes a lot of hard work and dedication. I am going to show you how to push your website to the top with internet marketing promotion. It is not as hard as some people make it sound. There are basic things you can do that do not take much time to accomplish.

You would be amazed at all the places you can advertise online these days. You may choose to advertise on a few of the more popular classified ad sites. If you are a member of one or more online groups you may have a signature line with your formatted link in it. This is an easy way for visitors to go straight to your site because all they need to do is click on that link.

If you have an online business where you sell diaper cakes it might be a wise idea to do a link exchange with someone that sells baby diaper bags. A link exchange is a way to advertise your site on another business website. It works best when you choose businesses that complement what you sell. This is a great way to get people to visit your special website and possibly make a purchase from you.

To keep your business name in front of your customers why not start a newsletter. You may advertise sales, new products and articles relating to your business or products. Once in a while give your customers an incentive to visit your site such as a contest or something fun to get them interested in your products. Also include a couple of free items or a buy one get on free incentive.

Talk to everyone about your website off and online. Have contests or trivia questions or a scavenger hunt on the site and the winner will receive a free gift or product. Have several sales through the month. At the end of the month have a clearance sale to get rid of older inventory so you will have room for new inventory. Keep the excitement alive in your website. Have a buy one product get one free. Just be creative and think outside the box.

For more ideas about getting website traffic coming in it is a must to do a little research online. Not all the information will apply to your situation, but take what works and leave the rest. Your customers need a reason to come back to your website. If you think the way a customer thinks then you will begin to put together a plan to get them running back to your site frequently. - 31963

About the Author:

Market Your Book - Publicity And Promotion

By Annie M. Jennings

There are many book titles that you see on the shelves of bookstores and in libraries. They may have some of the best information, or tell the best stories that have ever been written. However, if the author was not marketed by a well known publisher or did not have the tools and ideas to show that book promotion and publicity market your book.

If have any creative challenges when it comes to promotion, you can get help online. However, be cautious. There are many companies that offer seminars and other ways to market your creation. However, you may find that they are more interested in you buying their books than them helping you promote yours. Many of the methods that have been successful are really just common sense marketing and can done on your own. Just take the time to be prepared to do them.

Listen to the radio in your local market. You will likely find at least one station that has some talk show host that discusses similar topics as what you have written about. In every case, these hosts are always interested in having entertaining guests on their shows. It helps them develop a larger audience and you will get some good exposure. They are easy to contact and if you are local and have a good story to tell, they will love having you on their program.

Depending on the topic, there will likely be a local radio station that covers a similar topic. They are always looking for interesting guests and topics that may make their listeners more interested. Listen to your local stations and find someone that is normally discussing a topic at least somewhat similar to what you written. Give them a call or send them an email with a biography of you and the book. You will likely hear back from them and you may be on your way. If the topic is more mainstream, use the same process to your local television stations. Again, with the plethora of local programming, you may be able to get a slot on a local morning show or again, a show discussing similar topics.

If you live in a small town, you may need to take a short road trip. Find as many bookstores as you can and contact them. Explain the topic of your publication, why you have written it and how you think it will assist or interest readers. You will likely find several stores that will allow you to promote a book signing event. Most stores are interested in any ways to get customers to come in and with the proper marketing, in this process, you may get to do some live performances, in the form of a discussion group, to explain why they should buy your book. You will need fliers, posters and copies of the book, so get prepared and head out to the shops.

Every city has multiple Networking meetings. It is the newest way to expose your business to other business owners. They have developed into legitimate marketing opportunities and you may meet some people that can assist you in other marketing areas, as well. Just by meeting and discussing the reasons that you wrote your book and what you expect the readers to get out of it, will likely generate some sales and at least start a bit of a buzz, when used in conjunction with your other marketing efforts.

Please remember that these are public events. You will need to take some time to get prepared. The perception of the quality of your book will go hand in hand with your personality in promoting it. The better prepared you are to discuss the topic, the purpose, your motivation for writing it etc., the better it will be received.

Lastly, if you are not a gregarious person and find these suggestions a tad scary, you can resort to just using the Internet. You can start a blog or launch a website to promote you and the book, but this can be more costly, time consuming and still will not guarantee that people find you. Unless you have been published by a known publishing house, your personal contact will be the most successful to get your product into circulation. Just as when you composed your work of art, spend some quality time to promote it. You will find that personal contact will be a great way to get you selling copies, meeting the readers and earning money, while sharing your experiences. - 31963

About the Author:

Leadership Skills Happen at Camp

By Lonnie Lorenz

More than ever before we need leaders. Those who attend Overnight Summer Camps tend to teach skills like flexibility along with problem solving. Living with those who are not the same as yourself and are from different parts of the country or world promotes an acceptance of diversity. Those who send their children to Overnight Summer Camps have long been aware that camps promote a childs personal growth and development. Many of these traits include: independence, responsibility, cooperation, teamwork and a willingness to try new concerns.

As summer camp director since 1996 we know that the best directors are intentional in using their camps resources to promote specific aspects of positive personal development . It is because of this intentionality that we as camp professionals can see and measure how campers are growing and developing as individuals during their stay at camp.

We pride ourselves on our one on one work with camp staff to ensure that they are aware that they not only need to keep safe but their job is to to encourage and assist campers in their own personal development and growth. Our daily meetings with staff is a time to check in and see how each camper is doing with the parents directives as well as the camps goals. We see ourselves as team mates with the parents of our campers.

For our older teens we give them an opportunity to guide campers as well. This counselor in training program is designed to help older teen engage in leadership and decision-making within their camp groups and for the camp as a whole. Daily they have classes that teach leadership skills as well as child development. Then they get to get out and give it a whack and see it really works for them. For some of these teen they just want a continuation of their own camp days but for others they see how this will benefit them in the real world and help them become better leaders in the future.

For many the biggest difficulty is that being willing to give of themselves including the importance of being physically and emotionally present for campers. Enthusiastically participating in all activities creates a contagious atmosphere for all to enjoy. Leaders motivate and encourage others, these are all part of a great summer camp.

Role modeling and mentoring are 2 other skills that are important at camp. Everyone participates in this has this responsibility, for in a community as camp we all effect each other. For many, this is the first opportunity to engage with others and realize their people skills. The skills learned of group management, gaining respect and for teaching children are all skills these folk will cary with them for years.

Overnight Summer Camp provides a great time to be outside and playing but it is also a wonderful chance for campers, and staff to increase their own personal growth and development.

To learn more about finding the right Summer Camp, visit Summer Camp Advice a free website with loads of camp information. - 31963

About the Author:

What Is Carbon Copy Pro And What Does It Sell

By Neil Ashworth

If you look closely at carboncopypro and start to review the carboncopypro business you will realise that it is a business built from home using marketing and networking skills. You can live anywhere in the world and still build a carboncopypro business. There is a lot of competition from other online businesses and to build a carboncopypro business takes time and effort but it could be time well spent.

The carboncopypro business and what it means for you. The benefits and tools that it provides to the person signing up are valuable in that it gives you a sense of power in that you are empowering others to reach financial goals, while clearing debt, investing in your own future and providing for your family in ways you had never before thought were possible.

When you look behind the carboncopypro curtain you'll see quickly that its a marketing system which could be used to market any product online. In reality its used by carboncopypro members to market wealth masters products, creating significant income streams for both carboncopy group members and WMI. Although there have been some amazing stories of wealth the truth is this is not a get rich fast scheme and if you think it is it is possibly not for you.

WMI and carboncopypro. Lifechanging possibilities. there are three different incvome streams available through the ccpro and wmi model, each costing more than the last to purchase and each offering a higher level of commission to the carboncopypro business builder.

What carboncopypro will offer you is a professional back office to support your efforts by calling leads and prospects and closing sales on your behalf if you're not comfortable with that part of the business. The cost for this support comes in the form of monthly payments from you to carboncopypro of around $150 to cover business, marketing and administration costs, and these are essential to your success.

If you're comfortable with this element of the business model then you will also understand that to build a business with carboncopypro that generates a significant income then further costs are involved. The carboncopypro application process involves costs along the way, initially to purchase the application itself and then the business system. The system is set up to generate ongoing income for business builders.

Carboncopypro is available in over 140 countries and allows you to build your inetrnet business anywhere in the world. With the marketing system set up online and capture pages, email responders and ongoing tools and systems set to run on auto pilot you truly can build this business from anywhere in the world. Your only commitment is to keep sending people to visit your website.

Carboncopypro operate along with wealth masters international a direct selling business model which offers up front payments as opposed to the typical mlm model of shared commissions split across multiple businesses. Put simply, carboncopypro works because it offers direct commissions to those who sell and those who sell can then continue to market their business with the necessary cashflow needed to market online.

MLM businesses tend to offer much smaller commissions split across multiple business owners, which results in less cash in the business.

The way the carboncopypro business works is that when you are compensated, so is your upline, or sponsor, so they are always going to be motivated to help you succeed. So if you're new to internet business, you have such support from carboncopypro that you've always got a lifeline to reach out to. In addition, motivational emails, monthly calls, annual meetings will keep you up and excited, which is a good thing when you work from home and are not making daily contact with others to keep you focused and on track.

Carboncopypro may or may not be the business for you, but if you're interested at this point, pursuing it can possibly be opening a new door for you to a whole new future for you and your family. - 31963

About the Author:

Who Will Teach New Motorcycle Clubs The True Meaning Of Biker Brotherhood?

By L.J. James

I want to address a question I have gotten a lot recently. (I am sure it has a lot to do with the hit show Sons of Anarchy) It is from people who want to start new Motorcycle Clubs. They want to know if they should go to the predominate MCs in their area to talk about starting a new MC first. Many have said to me they do not understand the reason why they should go talk to them! Some have even gone as far as to say that if they have to go to the predominate MC in their area and ask permission that just proves that MC is a Criminal Gang! Not sure how they came to that conclusion but they are some very strong words sent over the computer.

I want everyone to remember I am writing this info as a guideline to those who are looking to get into the MC world and individual results may vary. This maybe some new fad to you but to true Motorcycle Club Members this world is everything!

For my answer to this Question I am going to put aside any statements of having to ask permission of the MCs in your area first. I am going to instead ask why would you not speak to the MCs in your area and get their Blessing first before starting a new Motorcycle Club. Many say it's because they are going to start a different type of Motorcycle Club. They may even be calling themselves something different like a Riding Club or a Motorcycle Association. Are your Members going to ride Motorcycles and have patches on their vests? If the answer is yes, Then again why not go speak to those who have come before you and paved the roads you now wish to ride down!

For many I know the reason they don't want to ask is simple fear! Fear of what they do not know or what they think they do know. If it is fear, then it is because you do not know the real Motorcycle Club world! Now every Motorcycle Club in the world is different. But most Motorcycle Clubs don't mind helping to get a new MC started and teach them what it really means to be in a Motorcycle Club, I can guarantee you it is something you will not learn on TV no matter how many episodes you may watch!

Now if you have decided that what you really want is to start up a new Motorcycle Club, One thing I want to make sure you know is something every Father should have taught his Son as a Child and that is "Do not lie and Always do what you say you are going to do" One fact I will also give you is the MC world is all about Respect! If you just start up a new MC without talking to the other clubs in your area that will most likely be seen as disrespectful!

Let's think about some other reasons you would want to talk to the MCs in your area first. You are going to want to make sure your new Patch or MC name is not similar to another Motorcycle Club. Many MCs have worked hard over the years to create a name and image for themselves. They will not like the idea of you either using a name close to theirs or wearing a patch that looks like theirs. The reason being is a simple one, They do not want you being mistaken for them doing anything that would make them look bad. You also could be seen as trying to ride on their coat tails by using the reputation they have worked hard for. You may not understand it now but the MC world is a Brotherhood and if you are fortunate enough to be welcomed into it, You will understand after years of working hard creating a name for your MC. The bottom line is meeting with the MCs in your area and talking with them before starting a new MC is the right thing to do!

Another fear many have is they wrongly believe they will be forced to do things for these other MC's. The only thing most Clubs may ask of you is to come to a few of their events each year have fun and again to show Respect!!!

Now I have heard complaints from many that there are areas where the MCs have decided they do not want any more new MCs! Well all I can do is guess why that might be! The reason I would think that Motorcycle Clubs would say no more Clubs in an area is that there are already a lot of different MCs in that area and they all get along real well. These MCs would not want anything new coming in and messing up the harmony they have created.

Now like I said before the reason most say they want to start a new MC is because they want to start something different then what is in that area. Well often that is not the truth. The real reason People usually want to start a new MC is because they do not want to have to Prospect! If the only reason you want to start a new MC is because you are not willing to prospect, My best advice to you is to stay an independent rider because you will not last long in the Motorcycle Club world anyway!

I am Your Bro LJ James

- 31963

About the Author:

Leadership Interview Questions And Answers

By John Smith

If you are in a leadership role and have a modus operandi like "Oh my gosh, I forgot about x, y, and z and this deadline is up - can you bail me out?" then it can deflate your oraganization. Alternatively think whether this signify other problems like poor time management or an inability to multi-task, plan ahead and stay organized? The following basic steps can help you stay on top of your game.

Delegate the right way: Remember delegation is a key of all effective leadership. . If you're trying to do everything without any delegation, that's probably the root of your problem. However, there is such a thing as too much delegation. Maintain an active role in the organization to bolster your credibility and relevancy with your team. It also presents opportunities to prove you will do what you say you'll do.

More that delegation it's important how you delegate work, Develop relationships and talk to them even when you don't have to. Lastly, spread the delegated tasks around so you're not monopolizing any one person's time. Don't delegate at the last minute. Give your delegatee a very reasonable amount of time to accomplish the task. It's also important that you're not approaching team members only when you need something.

Always plan ahead: Keep a planner and keep cell phone reminders, make lists. Always remember that just as there are different ways of managing people there are different ways of managing information. What works for your colleague might not work for you, but find a system that does work and stick with it. Whatever it takes to get the job done and remember all your commitments, that's what you should do.

Stop and think: It a good habit to plan your day, it helps immensely in your everyday routine. Make it a habit each evening or each morning to think about the next 24 hours you're about to face. Don't hesitate to ask colleagues and family members for a little help jogging your memory. Everybody needs a little assistance sometimes, but you must balance that with self-sufficiency. If you don't, you may look around one day and see nobody to help you out. They'll be too busy dodging your phone calls. - 31963

About the Author:

Consequences For Kids' Bad Behaviour Shouldn't Be Enjoyable!!!

By Liz Marsden

I often listen to adults talking about their ideas of dealing with children's behaviour - and their misconceptions... It's clear that so many adults have completely lost their way and are, without realising it, reneging on their duty to manage and guide children's behaviour.

It's considered unfashionable and not quite nice, but what we're actually talking about is adults disciplining children. Yes, it's not politically correct and considered unpleasant these days, but...

Well sorry folks but adults have got to get their act together and start doing what they should be doing to make sure kids are secure in the knowledge of how their world and society works.

And guess what? Sometimes this involves issuing consequences for bad behaviour. That's how the world works - or at least, that's how it should work... And kids have to learn to accept this fact.

And another guess what? When adults do this 'disciplining kids' properly the result is confident, happy and relaxed individuals who can manage independently and successfully in society.

Let me tell you what happened that instigated this latest onslaught on the relationship between kids and adults...

I attended a meeting about one of the kids in my class - major behaviour problems that have largely been resolved and he's due to go to senior school in a few months...

This little guy has made enormous improvements - the adults at the school have learned to manage his behaviour and he knows he can't behave the previous way without there being consequences. He's great about all this new discipline stuff - relaxed and managing confidently and independently. But, as is often the case, there are still problems at break times when there is less supervision. But, he knows the rules and what will happen if he behaves badly.

So, of course, senior school need to know this. And their reaction when told that if he misbehaved during breaks there would have to be consequences?

'Well, he could be sent to a designated room but I don't think he would like it!'

Oh dear me!! HE ISN'T SUPPOSED TO ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE!!! He'd be going there as a consequence for bad behaviour so liking it isn't what he's supposed to do...

Where has the idea come from that if kids behave badly then something pleasant should happen?? It's totally and utterly rubbish!! No wonder that adults have lost the plot so completely when dealing (or not dealing!) with kids' behaviour problems...

I'm nearly done... On a more serious note, it's not difficult to learn to deal with children's behaviour properly, making sure that you use consequences in a way that will have a positive impact. Simple strategies, work on them and put them into daily practise with total consistency! Nothing more than that - honestly! - 31963

About the Author:

Branding & Marketing Strategies For Business Success

By Annie Jennings

Don't have a big marketing and branding budget but want to edge out your competitoes? The good news is that you don't have to spend a lot of money to accomplish your goal. Just realize first that going the extra mile can land you miles ahead of your competitors. The first rule of thumb is to stay visible to your clients and tartet clients and always offer excellent value, up to date products and services and by all means, guarantee your outcomes.

Make sure you have a clear set of deliverables. No client wants to throw their money away on what might happen if they buy your product or service, they want clear deliverables that they can use to further their income, growth and ability to serve their clients.

Your target clients want to do business with consultants and businesses that are CENTER STAGE, that is, they are in the center of action commenting on the issues facing their industry. Professionals and consultants should seek out opportunities to be the quoted or commenting expert seen on, heard on or read about in Radio, TV, Print, Magazine and Internet Sites. Clients like to do business with people they feel are vital, creative, strong and engaged in their industry with plenty of energy to produce outcomes for them.

Be a source of high quality information that can make your client more successful. This is a great way to create a strong return on investment for your client. Teach them how to use your product or service for their success. Get branded as a thought leader and national expert in your field using publicity and promotion strategies and use these media placements, such as your radio and TV appearances in your marketing strategy.

Again, be sure you know your client's business model and how your products and services can help them be more successful and influential in their competitive strategy. Brand yourself as being key to thier success and understand that if you help your clients earn more money, land new clients themselves your products and services will be in demand. - 31963

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