Hypnosis Secrets and Mind Control Hypnosis--The Way Covert Persuasion Really Works

By Dr. Anthony Taylor

Have you ever seen a hypnotist waving a pocket watch to control a person's mind? Perhaps you think you've seen this somewhere before, but have you really seen anything like that? This isn't how hypnosis works, but for some rationale many people have been led to believe that the force of hypnosis begins by waving a pocket watch all over the place before someone's face. This is an vital belief to deeply consider, because it shows us that hypnosis is often misunderstood.

The real power of hypnosis does not lie in a top hat or in the waving of a pocket watch. The true power of hypnosis utilizes the vehicle of suggestion in order to influence a person's mind. You need to understand that the power of suggestion is how hypnosis operates in order to become influential. The art of implication is practiced amongst hypnotist in several distinct ways. Sometimes the art of suggestion is practiced through verbal strategies, and sometimes the art of suggestion is practiced through non verbal strategies.

This shows us that your body verbal communication and your words are used to carry out suggestions towards other people of how they should react to you. Spoken suggestions have their place in the field of covert hypnosis secrets, but non verbal suggestions are ten times more influential because they are more indirect. An additional additional benefit to using non verbal suggestions is that you don't need a lot of time to deliver them. This means that you don't need to loop through hypnotic language patterns and trance words in order to expect that you can influence someone.

The type of hypnosis that uses words as its major vehicle of influence is heavily limited upon the time available to say all the things that need to be said and the assistance of the person to keep on to listen to everything you intend to say. Needless to say, this is not a practical way to try to persuade and influence other people.

This means that human behavior patterns are the preferred choice of how to install suggestions into a person's mind. We've all heard that actions speak louder than language, so this belief of using our actions to persuasion other people is in agreement to what we have previously been taught. Hypnosis is frequently misunderstood, but this doesn't mean you can't understand it in its entirety if you want to use it to influence other people. So, use your behavior and not your language to get what you want from other people. - 31963

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Publicity And Book Promotion Tips For Authors And Media Experts

By Annie Jennings

This publicity and book promotion article includes publicity media strategy and book promotion tips to use while working with the media and getting publicity for yourself. You'll learn the importance building expert status and of creating a media website that showcases your expertise, the importance of getting top notch testimonials to put on your site and in your media materials, why you should strive to know the news of the day so you can be a socially relevant book author and expert who can talk about the issues of the day. Plus you will learn why media training is a major key to your success.

Book authors and experts can create a powerful and effective media and publicity strategy. However, to do so, the author or expert will need to understand the basics of publicity and media strategy so they can create the most relevant publicity outcome.

One of the publicity tools is to create a website especially for the media. This website should showcase what the media needs to know about you. The author expert media site includes information about yourself, your book and includes additional material such as your professional photo, a demo video of a previous media experience, your media bio that links to any media coverage you may have secured, your professional bio that showcases your education, experience, credentials and accomplishments. Testimonals are important too so be sure to use the ones from influential sources as they will empower you as well.

The idea is to expand yourself as an author and apply your knowledge and wisdom to the issues of interest to society today. Start blogging on timely news events or other daily news stories that you find being covered on TV, in newspapers, on major media and newsmaker websites such as Foxnews.com, MSN.com etc. This way, you will get lots of practice in applying knowledge, experience and your message to the news issues that matter to your target market. Be a force, know your stuff, be content rich - you will be judged on appearance, style, charisma (and yes, charisma can be created) and most of all content.

Get comfortable speaking to the media and sharing your thoughts by getting some practice and training before you get started with your pubicity strategy. Media training is the key to being ready to speak to the media in a way the positively showcase your talent and expertise. You'll want to show the media that you are media savvy, professional and are able to discuss your commentary with them.

It's easy to create the publicity tools you will need for your success. Knowing what you will need in advance will help you avoid the publicity and promotion mistakes and enjoy an effective and powerful media outreach. - 31963

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No Charity Event For Motorcycle Club Members

By L.J. James

A few weeks back I received an email from a girl Kim about a Charity Motorcycle event she was working on for Bide A Wee an Animal shelter I worked at when I was younger. As I read the info I was looking forward to attending the event only to find it was being held at Jugs and Strokers the only "Biker Bar" on Long Island that does not allow Motorcycle Club Colors. I was pissed to find out I would not be welcome at this event. I then saw the email had been sent out to many other Motorcycle Clubs on Long Island. Pissed Off, I started writing a reply to the email and sent it out to the MC's here on Long Island. Here is what I wrote.

Hey everyone this is LJ James.

You may not know this but I worked at Bide A Wee in Wantagh for many years. I have some great memories of my time working there. As much as I love the place and think Bide A Wee to be a truly great organization, I will not take off my Colors to go inside Jugs & Strokers to attend this event.

I see this email is addressed to many different Clubs. Some of your beliefs may be different then mine and you may take your Colors off to attend this event. I would hope all of you have more respect for your Club then to do that, but these are my beliefs and may not be yours.

I think it is only fair to Kim who is working very hard for this very worthy cause that she know what your feelings are about the Jugs and Strokers policy in regards to Colors. Kim has spent a lot of time working on this event and I would hate to see her event fail because she is unaware of the Revulsion Jugs and Strokers has towards Motorcycle Clubs!!!

Not only is it an old out dated Policy that promotes the Division of Motorcycle Riders, it is also illegal according to NY State Law! I have been working hard to protect and promote Motorcycle Rights and Unity here in NY and world wide. I think it is time We started working hard to change what is wrong here on Long Island! There is an old saying, "if you want to fix the world start in your own back yard".

This is an event that, when I heard about it I wanted to attend. Then I hear it is being held at Jugs and now I am "not allowed to attend".

I am not a bad guy! You all out there know me. How many of your events have I covered in Magazines? How many of you have I DJed for? Not only your Club events but many of your personal family events! I've even preformed wedding ceremonies for a few of you and after I married you I Djed your wedding!!!

You too are also all good people. Your MCs have done many things to make Long Island a better place. You have fed the Hungry, Clothed the poor, and made sure every Child on Long Island had a Toy for the Holidays. Our patches stand for what is great about America! Why should we be made to feel that wearing our Colors is even the slightest bit wrong?

If you ask Jugs and Strokers, they might try to use the excuse "well its not your group its other groups who are the bad guys". That is a cop out, a lie, and an attempt to divide the Long Island Motorcycle Club world!!!

Over the past few years here on Long Island we have seen a Unity in the Motorcycle Club World that many still can not believe. Sport Bike Clubs and Cruiser Clubs riding and hanging together. AMA Clubs and 1% Clubs attend each others events. Law Enforcement Clubs and Outlaw Clubs Breaking Bread and Drinking together at events. I have seen every type of rider hanging out together. This is the Biker dream people!!!

There was a time when we were all told that you could not have a bar on Long Island where all MCs where aloud to mingle together. That there would be nothing but fights and problems. Then JDs Place opened and shortly after that, the Myth was put to rest.

The Motorcycle World here on Long Island has become something We are all very proud of. I call out to all of you MCs, independents, and MROs like ABATE, it is time to end the humiliating practice that Jugs and Strokers has been aloud to inflict upon the Long Island Motorcycle World for far too long!!!

I am tired of this bar being allowed to claim it is a biker bar for bikers, but if your a member of a Motorcycle Club and wear your Colors, you are some how an undesirable, and unwelcome. I say time is up, Jugs and Stokers! You have made enough money off the Long Island Motorcycle world! You need to stop being part of the Problem and become part of the Solution!!!

I'm interested to know what the feelings are of the rest of you!!!

(Because of this reply, Shortly after I wrote this the event was switched to another Long Island Biker Bar "Sick Moon Saloon" That welcomes all who Ride)

LJ James Proud Member Mortal Skulls MC AmericanBikerX.com

Discrimination On The Basis Of Clothing Or Club Membership Is ILLEGAL Article I, Section 11 of the New York State Constitution states "that no person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof." Article 4, Section 40 of the Civil Rights Law provides that "all persons within the jurisdiction of this state shall be entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any places of public accommodations, resort or amusement subject only to the conditions and limitations established by law and applicable alike to all persons." The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that individuals have the constitutional right under the First Amendment to wear clothing which displays writing or designs. Cohen v. California, 403 US 15 (1971). In addition, the right of an individual to freedom of association has long been recognized and protected by the United States Supreme Court. Thus, a person's right to wear the clothing of his choice, as well as his right to belong to any club or organization his choice is constitutionally protected, and persons or establishments who discriminate on the basis of clothing or club membership are subject to a lawsuit. - 31963

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3 Tips To Creating A Business Your Clients Will Love

By Annie Jennings

Want to be the one everyone wants to work with? Want to be the #1 "go to" person or expert in your topic area? No problem. Start with a good publicity and promotion strategy. Give yourself the opportunity to reach out to your target market People love to work with people they feel they know already, they love to work with businesses that treat them fairly and they love to work with people they trust. And it's easy to create a strong business that delivers these there elements of know, love and trust. But most of all, your business strategy should come from your heart.

To create a business model where everyone seems to know your name, be sure to stay visible to your market. You can write articles for your local paper, sponsor community events, buy advertising, initiate an internet marketing campaign, get your business listing online, build a website for your community. The idea is to be seen everywhere.

Treat each client fairly and with respect. You will soon earn a reputation of being a good solid business. Never underestimate the power of word of mouth both good and bad. The more your clients love you because of their great experience with you, the more people they will tell. When they are asked about working with you or buying your products they will have great things to say about you. However, the reserve is true with a bad experience. You can be sure they will tell everyone about the horrible thing that happened to them. So, take good care of your customers and be sure every aspect of your business model supports treating your customers like royalty.

Educate your clients with additional services that can help them make choices for themselves. Remember, the days of selling snake oil are over. You have to offer products or services that deliver the outcome for your client. No one likes the hard sell and it makes them not trust you. Adopt a philosophy and be consistent in your messages to your marketing. Keep your publicity, promotion and marketing strong, creative, message oriented and again, consistent.

Experience outstanding success in your business by including the principles of solid strategy along with customer appreciation. If your clients know, love and trust you, they will happily use your services and refer you to others. - 31963

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Study About Kaizen Or Process Continuous Improvement

By Agung Adiwijaya

Maybe not all people have ever heard about process continuous improvement. Because this words is seldom enough to be found in newspaper and all audio visual media. Fortunately for man who are working or maybe have ever worked in factory they must be used to with term of process continuous improvement. Because this word has always in purrs to give breathe life spirit into the employees so they can give the best effort. Process continuous improvement is kaizen.

What Is Process continuous improvement or kaizen? Process continuous improvement or kaizen is a continuous activity to increase from current standard condition to reach better condition. Why should we have to reach better condition? Because we must always be able to give the best service or product to our customer? If we didn't give the best service or product to our customer, whereas our rival did the Process continuous improvement hence for certain time we will lose our customer significantly. Losing of customer is a death for a business unit. That's why Process continuous improvement or kaizen is the final price which must be choose so we can always gives the best for our customer

From the book which I read from Maasaki Imai I have obtained some interesting fact about Process continuous improvement or the kaizen. The fact is in Japan public, kaizen term or Process continuous improvement is common word to be told in daily life. All TV and newspaper many times mentioning these words in everyday context including governmental functionary. So obviously if kaizen or process improvement became a real very strong culture or habits in Japan. On the other side like explained by the books above if in America nor European countries initially fairly not recognizes term kaizen very well. They are more recognizing big innovation term or jumping movement or quantum movement. From their point of view continuous improvement or kaizen not more than like small steps of innovation which the effect often not directly seen. Lately - from the same books - They cooperated with their Japan principal to adopt kaizen soul and implement at the shop floor.

I have just write down in paragraph two that kaizen or process continuous improvement are all activity which must take to improve current standard to become a better standard. The keyword here is standard. What is standard anyway? Standard are sets of rule which have been specified for machine, tools, material and man that you must obey in order to get a good quality product with efficient, low cost consistently. Remember consistently. It means we can do the activity over and over with same result. The first step before doing kaizen or process continuous improvement are determining value standard for a basis point of improvement. If current condition there is no value standard then you must create one for current condition. That is the easy way as a starting point.

Why we need standard first before kaizen? The reason is simple. We can not measure our achievement if there is no standard value to be compared. For example: cycle time standard for finishing product are 1 minute. Then market demand is high. It means we must decrease our cleaning product time to be less than one minutes. So we are told success executed our kaizen or process improvement if we can reduce time below 1 minute.

In the next article. I would explain tools for doing kaizen or process continuous improvement. If there is some question. Just ask. Happy kaizen. - 31963

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Scorekeeping In The Game Of Work

By Bart Icles

It can be quite difficult to implement change unless people will start to believe that winning is possible. With all the organizations today that look forward to changes, one of the first questions that executives, managers, and leaders must ask is if there is a way to show people how they can win after making certain changes. The game of work in this situation calls for executives, managers, and other business leaders to learn how to develop a strategy or strategies that can help people see themselves winning after changes have been made. In this manner, they will have less resistance and they can help in making changes happen.

Scorekeeping is one of the many strategies that most executives, managers, and business leaders use in making people believe they can win after changes have been implemented. When carried out effectively, scorekeeping can play a valuable role in the game of work. It can help the organization keep track of things. It also gives leaders a basis for feedback. From top level executives to front liners, it can help the organization better see ways on how it can win.

scorekeeping in the game of work is very much like keeping score in recreational sports. In fact, it is based on some of the principles of recreational sports. These include goals, scorekeeping, feedback, choice, and rules. When goals are clear, measuring performance becomes easier. It is also important to maintain the objectivity of scorekeeping to keep scores clear.

Clear scorekeeping also requires scores to be self-administered but peer-audited, and coach-promoted. It is also important that the members of the organization understand that scorekeeping is not a means of measurement, it is rather an indicator of where the team is at right now so that everyone can have a better idea of what can make the team win or lose.

The score must also be a way of giving frequent feedback so it must be updated consistently. It must also be a way to remind everyone in the organization that it is not always that coaches will show how things can be done, but there are times when team members simply need to get things done. In the same manner, scores should also be reminders that rules remain consistent in the game of work. In this manner, executives, manager, coaches, and team members should have a good understanding of all the rules involved to achieve a higher level of cooperation, and for teamwork to naturally happen. - 31963

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Persuasive Techniques That Work--Knowing The Art of Persuasion

By David Drake

It has been said by powerful persuasion circles that the biggest enemy to effective persuasive techniques is the counterfeit techniques that conceal the real ones. For this explanation almost everybody interested in learning The Art of Persuasion and its persuasive techniques have not gotten any outcome when they practiced those techniques in real life.

The underlying cause for all the counterfeit doctrines in The Art of Persuasion is because many so called persuasion gurus are telling everyone that you must master hypnotic language patterns in order to be successful. Hypnotic language patterns didn't exist until the last century so it is not possible that they are essential for persuasion artists to learn. The art of persuasion, on the other hand, is thousands of years old and has been used as a vehicle to persuade people since the history of man began.

True persuasive techniques are strategic and not linguistic. Therefore, the key to being able to employ strategic persuasive techniques is to learn the proper ingredients that must be mixed together in order to successfully sway people's behavior. In order to persuade other people, there needs to be several components involved in the persuasion formula in order for it to work and give you the things you want.

So then, this theory of turning to fields like NLP or Ericksonian hypnosis to discover secrets that we can apply to the art of persuasion is mistaken. In fact, if a persuasion artist were to try to employ hypnotic language patters to persuade someone, they would not only most likely be unsuccessful, they would also run the run the risk of of making the situation worse instead of making it better. This is true for the reason that hypnotic language patterns were not developed to persuade people outside of clinical settings.

You cannot use the persuasion techniques and the tools of hypnotic therapy and wholly rely on them to be effectual persuasive techniques in the art of persuasion. Maybe the best way to confirm this claim for yourself is to simply try hypnotic language patterns out for yourself. You will quickly become conscious that they don't work.

The Art of Persuasion is an entirely different concept than a simple hypnotic language pattern. - 31963

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How To Create A Powerful Publicity And Book Promotion Strategy

By Annie Jennings

Want to find out how to create a powerful publicity and book promotion strategy? You will need to know several aspect of publicity strategy that includes how to build national expert status, the elements of creating a website that works for the media, how to use testimionals that empower you and how to be a breaking news expert who can comment on the news of the day. Plus, media training is key to a successful media strategy.

Successful media outreach and publicity campaigns include several essential and basic tools of publicity strategy. The goal is to optimize your publicity and promotion strategy so you can access your target media and secure media opportunities for yourself

It is important to create an author expert media site that producers and journalists can go to in order to find out all about you. Include information about yourself, your media bio that showcases your previous media successes, your professional bio that includes your education, experience, accomplishments and credentials. Include testimonials from name brand sources so the media can get a sense of who you are through these testimonials

One of the secrets of a successful media outreach to to become a socially relevant author or expert who can comment on the news of the day. Follow the news stories that allow you to tie in your expertise and offer commentary. Blogging is a great way to learn how to comment on the news and apply your knowledge and experience to the issues

Get media training in advance so you are prepared and ready to go. The idea behind media training is to learn how to communicate effectively with the media. Media training helps you provide your commentary and information in a media savvy manner indicating that you have experience and are a professional.

Knowing the tools of the trade will help you avoid the mistakes that many authors and experts make in their publicity and book promotion efforts. Once you create and apply the publicity tools necessary you will be able to enjoy media exposure with confidence. - 31963

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Managing Children's Behaviour Is The Same As Driving Your Car!

By Liz Marsden

Am I saying that kids and cars are the same - or what?

I didn't have room to explain fully in the heading. I mean it but it's only how you learn to manage children's behaviour and how you learn to drive your car - not how both look! Learning the skills are much the same and if you don't learn correctly the results can be very damaging.

What I mean is that to learn any skill you have to learn what to do, then go and practise what you've learned and after that continue to do it - it's that simple. So, learn the techniques, practise until you're confident and use them consistently, all the time.

Think about what happens if you don't follow the simple rules of skill building when applied to driving your car. If you stop driving and steering the car either stops or doesn't go where you want it to go. If you don't have the right level of skill then you could crash and cause mayhem. If you have started learning the skill but fail to carry out the rules consistently, again chaos will reign. The same applies to managing children in the classroom.

So why are so many people struggling with managing classroom behaviour? The answer is simple - there isn't sufficient behaviour management training of a good standard. Student teachers, support workers, dinner supervisors, through to those with years of experience and into management positions - none of them with enough knowledge and expertise in managing children's problem behaviour.

Another problem is that often the people offering advice haven't got the skills themselves. Who would you want to teach you to drive? Would it be someone who drives every day and has a good record of getting people through their driving test? Or would you prefer someone who rarely (or never) drives, who couldn't show you how to drive, and could only tell you what you already know?

I know, it sounds crazy. But, so many reports I see are full of inaccurate advice about managing children's behaviour. So often I tell schools to ignore the advice they've been given. Wrong advice is as damaging as having the non-driver teaching you driving skills. Car crashes are caused by lack of driving skills. Children's and adults' health is being damaged because the lack of behaviour management skills.

How am I different? Well, I manage children's behaviour every day. Teachers and students come and watch me. I show them the techniques in their classes. People asked me to write it all down, so Behaviour Bible is the result. People's views on what I say and how I've helped them learn to manage behaviour is there to see.

The message is that classrooms shouldn't be chaotic and that you can learn to manage children's behaviour, exactly the same as you learned driving skills .... - 31963

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How Do You Describe Leadership Style In Job Interviews

By John Smith

If you are in a leadership role and have a modus operandi like "Oh my gosh, I forgot about x, y, and z and this deadline is up - can you bail me out?" then it can deflate your oraganization. Alternatively think whether this signify other problems like poor time management or an inability to multi-task, plan ahead and stay organized? The following basic steps can help you stay on top of your game.

Delegate the right way: If you're trying to do everything without any delegation, that's probably the root of your problem. , delegation is a key of all effective leadership. You can't do everything, nor should you want to. Also be careful and maintain an active role in the organization to bolster your credibility and relevancy with your team. It also presents opportunities to prove you will do what you say you'll do. There is also a thing as too much delegation.

Another key aspect is delegating the right way. Never delegate at the last moment. It's also important that you're not approaching team members only when you need something. Develop relationships and talk to them even when you don't have to. Lastly, spread the delegated tasks around so you're not monopolizing any one person's time.

Plan Ahead: What works for your colleague might not work for you, but find a system that does work and stick with it. Whatever it takes to get the job done and remember all your commitments, that's what you should do. Keep a planner, set cell phone reminders, make lists, and send voicemail. In short find a system to manage information.

Stop and think: It a good habit to plan your day, it helps immensely in your everyday routine. Make it a habit each evening or each morning to think about the next 24 hours you're about to face. Don't hesitate to ask colleagues and family members for a little help jogging your memory. Everybody needs a little assistance sometimes, but you must balance that with self-sufficiency. If you don't, you may look around one day and see nobody to help you out. They'll be too busy dodging your phone calls. - 31963

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Stimulus Jobs: Where They Are And How To Find Them

By John Smith

The $800 billion legislation that President Obama has signed is expected to create or save 3.5 million American jobs. Republicans say that number will be less - but all agree that new jobs, including at the manager and executive levels. Many of you might be tempted to ask as where I fit in the whole plan. Here is how it is going to work initially many of the jobs will be going to blue-collar workers (such as construction workers), public-sector employees (such as teachers), and those experienced in working with government entities.

Remember that no matter how well the plan succeeds, however, it's safe to say that the following six white-collar occupations should see an upsurge in demand over the next two years. Ultimately, however, the stimulus plan's backers predict that 90 percent of the jobs created will be in the private sector. This projection is based on the belief that the economic activity generated by the stimulus will lead to new jobs in retail, leisure and hospitality, and other sectors as companies and individuals who directly benefit from the plan begin to spend their windfall. For more industry trends check out the JobConcierge Top 100 Jobs in 2010.

1. Urban Planner. The direct effect of the billions of dollars will create more opportunities for urban planners. Everything from the best location for new school construction to the environmental impact of infrastructure projects needs to be guided by them. Although more than 60 percent of planners currently work for government entities, an increasing number are employed at architectural, engineering and management consulting firms.

The stimulus package will bring in happy news for Civil engineers. Thousands of civil engineers will be needed to design and supervise the construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, wind turbines and other projects that get a green light as a result of the stimulus package. . The government employs about 12 percent of the nation's engineers; the rest work in private industry.

The next industry that will benefit directly from the package will be Computer systems analysts . IT pros will be needed at all levels, for jobs ranging from wiring buildings for Internet access to transitioning the healthcare system to electronic medical records and e-prescriptions.

The millions of dollars being funneled the stimulus represents a boon for medical researchers. About a third of medical researchers work for colleges and universities; most of the rest work at private research firms, pharmaceutical companies, and hospitals.

Management Consultants are the right candidates to make complex decisions with big money. , corporate and government leaders tend to get sweaty palms - and that's where management consultants come in. Consultants can bring the expertise to analyze vexing problems and develop sweeping, ambitious proposals to solve them.

Some experts predict that the government may need to hire auditors for its auditors. At the federal, state and local levels, accountants and auditors will be required to make sure the numbers add up. With so much federal money flowing into so many hands so quickly, there will be a significant need for oversight. - 31963

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Effective Leadership: A lost Art

By Yancy Dennis

To lead is to inspire not only others but to inspire oneself. The followers need to vicariously ingest the leaders passion. Therefore, processes, though important, rank far below human factor that is key to successful leadership. Leadership must allow penalty-free rule-breaking. Leaders must focus on service not on being the boss. In this manner, the followers gain a sense of ownership/involvement/control that enables them to extend the reach of their leader.

Effective leaders don't command; they ask or request a person to do something. They make recommendations to follow and they are willing to get their own hands dirty, if necessary. Effective leadership is contagious and is not limited to the "boss". Effective leadership is the cornerstone of successful organizations. It is the inspiration and motivation that allows people to take on heroic challenges.

Effective leadership takes more than just analytic thinking, personal integrity, and working with ambiguity. An effective leader should also learn how to connect these attributes with leadership results. Effective leadership management must often perform the unenviable task of helping those that don't belong to find other career paths. If you want sales to improve, particularly in highly competitive sales industries, then leaders must create a career growth-oriented atmosphere that thrives on constant improvement, regardless of market conditions.

Yet, not all leadership development is worthwhile. The market is awash with management fads and questionable program designs. Unfortunately, research shows that of the 3.7 million management training programs conducted in our country each year, less than 15% of what is learned makes any difference in a person's on-the-job approach to leadership. Yet many people, asked to name a leader they would consider a role model, struggle to identify even a few individuals.

Therefore, what is an organization to do? They should follow some simple common sense steps: organize and execute around priorities, think win/win: See life as a cooperative, not a comprehensive arena where success is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of the success of others. - 31963

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Adults, Just Stop Whining and Start Managing Kids' Behaviour As You Should Be!

By Liz Marsden

There's a rant brewing and I'll tell you why... I've got an 8 year old boy who's just started in my classes. His behaviour history over the last few years is totally appalling. It's dreadful that he's been allowed to behave this way for so long, but I'm not really shocked. I deal with this sort of thing every day in my job of taking on kids who are at the point of being permanently kicked out of school and successfully managing their behaviour.

Well, this particular child's behaviour is exceptionally bad...

But that's not what the rant's about. He's fine - well, not just yet, but he will be...

I'm actually ranting about the adults in this boy's school and so many other schools I have dealings with! Those adults who've allowed this little boy to deteriorate into the awful state he's now in. They're dire and dreadful!

So, what have some of the adults from his school done? They've written to a higher authority than the head teacher, complaining about this little kid. I can just imagine the tone of the letters, 'He does this, he does that, we can't do this, we've tried that, whinge whinge, whine, whine, moan, moan, etc, etc,'

And what result do they want? I haven't a clue but I guess they'd rather he disappeared from their school and got offloaded somewhere else!

Come on Liz, surely that's reasonable and they'd want him to go to another school? No, it is not reasonable - in fact it's totally unreasonable... Why? Well, as I've said so many times, children's behaviour is an adult problem. Ok, kids are behaving badly, but why? Because the adults are getting it so wrong, that's why...

Adults have to accept that they are responsible for children's behaviour - and those in this boy's school have allowed him to deteriorate to this point. Whingeing and whining about a situation that adults in general have allowed to get worse and worse, isn't going to have any beneficial impact, is it?

What's the reason for the bad behaviour? Well, many children know that they can behave appallingly and not a great deal happens as a result. When adults' only recourse is to send whining letters of condemnation to a higher authority is doesn't say much for adults taking responsibility...

The only way children's behaviour will change is if adults evaluate their own behaviour and make some changes to themselves. They won't see any alterations in children's behaviour unless this happens.

Adults, you need to get a grip! Admit it - if you don't know how to change then you've got things to learn. It's really not difficult to learn to do what adults should be doing - managing children's behaviour!

You'll be pleased to know that I've finished my rant!! - 31963

About the Author:

Secrets About Giving

By Masami Sato

The secret to get what you want is revealed. Simply by giving. The reasons are explained using the classic philosophical question: "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?" The chicken and the egg, which forms the circle of life, serves as a profound analogy to giving and getting what we want: the circle of joy. The concept is explained in the clear and refreshing voice of Masami Sato, the author of ONE Book.

As humans, most of us naturally have endless desires for all kinds of things. And of course, the traditional principals of economics tell us that while wants are unlimited, resources are limited. This induces us to think, the more and more resources we have, the more and more desires we will be able to fulfill. We become very protective of our resources. We then think sharing or giving these resources will reduce the portion that can be used to get what we want. This is the traditional win-lose game that is being played.

Then, is it true?

What if the answer was "no"? What if it actually contradicts the secret of getting more? What if the secret to get more is simple - by giving more?

One can get something just by giving something else. Exactly the way one can have eggs by raising chickens. As simple as that. Normal. Automatic. And it is a completely joyful experience.

First of all, let us begin with some analogy to explain things.

Chicken and Egg - The Cycle of Life

Many a philosopher has come out with this question from the beginning of time, "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?"

There is a simple answer to this unending doubt. It is that the question is unimportant, since both chicks and eggs are here now. Nevertheless, if one wants a greater effect, one can choose to start somewhere.

Giving and Receiving: the Circle of Joy

What if we asked a different question? "Which comes first, giving or receiving?"

Again, if we want a better outcome, we should choose to start somewhere. Giving off things to others is certainly easier than striving to get it first!

What is the outcome, when we try to get it first?

If we yearn to own something, naturally we would try to get it. And once we get it, we would try to hold on to it. This is absolutely normal - it does make sense logically.

But the actual upshot of 'striving to get' is often not profusion and actual long-term recompense.

For example, desiring to see others joyful is not about finding the joy from them or managing them to become happy. It is about how much pleasure we can give them and share with them. Period.

So how do we begin to get what we desire?

From the other end of the circle - by giving generously!

When we are ready to give away first before we have even got what we hope for - what we are dreaming of - we are sending a strong message to ourselves which says, 'there is enough, and more will come.' It lets us feel the joy today - the joy of sharing.

We only need to give out the love generously to others. It simply comes back to us. Giving love is the only way to be generously loved. When we acknowledge everyone for the great things they do and the great qualities they have, again it comes back to us. Others acknowledge us because we acknowledge them.

In the same way, if we wanted to have enough in our life materially, financially and emotionally, we just need to share the things we want generously with others.

Some are ready to give more physical things like time. Others opt to give what they can spare financially, like money. Those who give more (time, money, compassion, love, thoughts) have these things in abundance because it is the surplus. And surplus is the natural law of life.

Just keep in mind the rule of the game

Important rule: never give anything expecting a return.

When we have the anticipation that giving involves 'getting' something back, we become unhappy when we do not see the thing returning to us fast. We may even feel unhappy towards the one who gets the gift. And having a negative feeling for someone is definitely not a right state of affairs! So we can know the real pleasure of giving when we are doing it with the awareness that we are actually doing it for ourselves - we are doing it for our own pleasure!

Losing to win, giving to get..

In the beginning it may appear that we are the losers. Still, at some level we realize that receiving things without giving anything is not a realistic life pattern. We have always been aware of it. That is the reason why giving away a part of their income has been a pattern with many well known people. And they have not done it openly, so it was not done to make themselves popular. It was just the way they wanted it to be.

Look around yourself. 'Lesser' creatures do it naturally. The bumblebees take the honey of the flowers and in return pollinate the flowers, thereby making them bloom. They do it in accordance with the laws of nature. They do not do it as a part of any law of justice. That is why they create permanence, without even making an attempt to do so.

Giving is just being who we are, it is just like having; not greater or lesser. No difficulty, no conditions attached, just releasing oneself.

The essence of getting more can be stated in two steps: Give first, and do not expect to get anything in return.

When we let go and give open-handedly, what we require would come to us. On its own. - 31963

About the Author:

Turning Crisis Into Opportunity

By Masami Sato

What we should be doing when the economy is down.

When the financial market is in chaos all across the world, people consider clinging on to whatever they have and also reduce expenses. And they think that everybody does so, mainly because newspapers proclaim as such.

However, each and every person ISN'T doing so. There are sections of the society which prosper, come what may. Those, who feel surprised about this odd equation, can find the clue for it in a most obvious place where they might have missed it. It might be worthwhile to analyse it together.

When a current is going downward, whatever the reason be, the way to survive is by rowing against the current. If we let ourselves to be swept away by the current, we may sink deep down and survival might become difficult.

The fact is that when we know our strength and can hold sway over ourselves, we can rise above the mundane and not worry about what is going on all around. Let us visualise it properly.

'Go-getters' or 'Go-givers'

Let's say we want more - more profits, a pay raise, more holidays, more freedom, and more opportunities.

When we yearn for a thing, our response is to try to get it. By that yardstick everybody is a 'Go-getter'. And a 'go-getter' is understood as a dynamic, enterprising person with leadership qualities. Such an attitude is a prime requirement for succeeding in life as we understand it. Nevertheless, there is an innate conundrum. When these approaches are put into practice, there are certain unanticipated, though unavoidable upshots.

Because after 'getting' and 'having' it what tends to follow is 'losing' it. We either lose it physically or we lose interest in what it was we got.

Then our interest swings to something else. This continuous swaying of interest is the biggest issue; the widening interests becoming a never-ending circle of desires so that we are never satisfied with what we have. It becomes a sort of junk food dependency!

But what if we turned our 'getting' into giving?

You might be conscious that the act of contributing produces a unique pleasure. This arises from gratification and not from alarm or self-indulgence. One can go on contributing and get so much in return like a most rewarding expedition.

Our charitable and contributing approach will produce charitable and contributing customers and group mates whereas our concern about the cost and "getting tendencies" would bring in only like-minded co-workers. Companionship with such people is surely not welcome for us!

Inspiring capitalism

Most ventures are today aware of the inspiring role of capitalism. They are ever ready to contribute more through many avenues. The idea has strongly impacted the business world as they realise how giving is central to business interests. A typical example is Bill Gates, who expounded the philosophy of 'Creative Capitalism' in July 2008 in a TIME magazine article.

He opined that the idea of providing for others could become a crucial factor in encouraging people to buy one product rather than another.

The essence of what he says is that when a business has ties with the idea of giving in one way or other, it is bound to be more tempting to others. It stands out above thousand businesses the attributes of which are similar.

Creative Capitalism is about rising above what we reluctantly settle for to reach what we truly aspire to. When we can capitalise on our ideas and imagination in a way that benefits and nurtures the wider community and network; we stop wasting our resources, efforts and talents in trying to temporarily win. We start creating the real win for ourselves and for the sustainability of our global economy.

The attraction of effective giving

The initiative of bigger enterprises to contribute back to the society is known as Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR. It is fast becoming mandatory for large corporations to do so. Still, when it is done for image building or as a mere compulsion, public may eventually realise the truth. Nevertheless, it is a face-saving mechanism.

Individuals and enterprises that 'contribute', appeal to everyone. Their fervour and conviction about what they do are acknowledged by the people with whom they build up relationships. This acknowledgement is in addition to the official public relations campaign of the establishment.

So, what happens if we allocate some of the marketing budget to go toward giving?

Giving creates something bigger than who we are. Giving creates inspiration. Inspiration can only be created when it resonates with the people whom we want to inspire. And we get inspired when we are involved in the experience. It is not just about hearing the nice stories of others. It's actually participating in those stories. After all, we all want to feel good in life by making a contribution-to our family and friends, to our company and to our community.

Transaction-based giving causes it to happen on its own

A far better atmosphere for donating has become possible because of an idea (or we can call it a 'phenomenon') by the name Buy1GIVE1 (Buy One Give One). Buy1GIVE1 is the abode of transaction-based giving. Transaction-based giving overhauls everything. Let us put to use our resourcefulness and decide why.

How would you like the scenario whereby every time you have a coke at a nearby eatery, a needy child in Africa gets clean water at least for a single day?

Or a different scenario where with every subscription to a journal that you would like to read, a sapling gets planted somewhere where it was badly needed? Or whenever you ate out, someone routinely got fed out of its profit?

Or supposing you are undergoing some training. How wonderful it would be if another eager student far away is also getting the necessary training as a corollary (believe it or not, the training does not cost the training institute more than 60 cents a day).

Where a motivational speaker at a conference is connected with a charity, part of his income might go to helping kids who have speech problems due to facial defects. It will be a matter of great satisfaction for the participants at the conference to know that their very participation is helping a deserving cause.

Consider whether you will be able to use transaction-based giving in your own exclusive way to go with your services or products to make your customers and other team-mates part of the saga of contributing. This is how you can do it.

The actual winning economy

Already, companies right around the world are 'getting' the power of this transaction-based giving. Just one example-the UK's leading supermarket chain, TESCO now gives a school uniform to a child in Kenya whenever a customer buys a pair of school trousers.

The Mineral Water Company known as Volvic is one that has followed swiftly in this transaction-based giving program. They connect their water selling to well digging in Africa and call it Buy1 GIVE 10, because when one litre of water is sold, the money that comes from it helps in making a 10 litres flow in the well that is being dug.

Small to medium sized companies are now starting to take leadership in expanding this global giving movement through Creative Capitalism. Buy1GIVE1 (www.b1g1.com), a Singapore-based Social Enterprise came up with a mechanism that has turned this transaction-based giving into something every one of us can be involved in.

Buy1GIVE1 is the home of the most impactful transaction-based giving in the world because it connects any business of any size to any cause in the world. It's creating a global community of business givers and for SME`s, Buy1GIVE1 connects businesses, their customers AND charities in a way that hasn't been done before. And it all happens automatically.

You can enroll yourself as a citizen of this marvel of universal giving by simply getting a Buy1GIVE1 `VISA` directly from the Buy1GIVE1 site at www.b1g1.com. And if you are an entrepreneur, you can become a B1G1 Business through making an online application and choosing the requirement for which you would like to donate and your product or service through which you would prefer to do it to initiate the giving. Buy1GIVE1 forwards the whole of the donation to their international Worthy Cause Partners (with more than 528 projects to choose) making the giving entirely satisfactory.

Are you aware?

* Half the population of the globe -about three billion people-is forced to survive on less than two dollars a day.

* Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their name.

* UNICEF has reported that more than 30,000 children die every day due to abject poverty, which makes it 20 child a minute and 210,000 a week.

* Just 12% of the people worldwide utilize 85% of the water available for human consumption. And this 12% does not belong to any of the underdeveloped countries.

* About a billion people have no access to minimum health care facilities.

* Rainforests of about 63,000 sq. miles get destroyed every year.

Data From Global Issues

Buy1GIVE1 Businesses-check out these examples

* Buy1BUILD1 (www.sunsplashhomes.com, www.arkgroup.com.au)

* Learning to learning (www.kipmcgrath.com.au)

* Medical practice providing medical benefits (www.primanora.com)

* Telephone card helping in communication (www.ultimatecomms.com)

* Mind Expansion to curing (www.meditate.com.au)

* Losing weight to feeding children (www.bodychain.com)

* Luminous blinds to luminous classrooms (www.blindscouture.com.au)

* Socks for comfort to feet free of frostbite (www.socksforhappypeople.com)

* Learning to educating social organizers (www.b1g1forcoaches.com)

* And for an overall look, simply go to www.b1g1.com.

Unearthing what we are looking for-Nature's eternal secret

So let's let us return to the starting point-turbulent economics and managing to get what we need. The needs are in fact not all that knotty. They are just a group of three words that begin with the letter S - strong bonds, solidarity and society.

When we can pool resources and not segregate and when we can divine a proper way to augment what everyone has got and not cut down from what each has got, we understand that there is a veritable cornucopia of sources to be had in the world. And when we bond, not just with our physical persona, but with our intrinsic selves, we discern something completely fascinating -that we're all ONE. Then we comprehend how uncomplicated it is to form a universal community from something as ordinary as giving.

The secret was always alive in nature

In the wild, all types of insects cross-fertilize plants to create fruits and flowers of endless varieties benefitting men and animals alike. The perfect give and take pattern was there even before civilizations started.

Failures are said to be stepping stones to success. In the same way we can turn setbacks into advantages. In reality we should be thankful for the current situation that is helping us to move ahead.

And when a person opts to begin giving today itself, the sense of euphoria would be much more, notwithstanding the economic problems. And with this sense of elation comes a reawakening of hope that will remind him of how the power and direction of tide can easily change. And his giving might be that which brings about this change. - 31963

About the Author:

Creating More Magic In Your Life By Masami Sato - Simple Quotes

By Masami Sato

Part 3 of 3

This collection of beautiful quotes will simply inspire you to live a life full of miracles. Joy is excerpted from "ONE", a book by Masami Sato - the founder of Buy1GIVE1. The quotes in this edition include topics that are profoundly related to our everyday lives, such as mastering things, magic, honesty, imagination, problems, and simplicity. This article is the last part of the three "ONE Book Life-Changing Quotes Series".

On mastering things

"Friends share with us what they think and feel. Teachers teach us what to do and how to do it. Coaches ask us who we want to be. Mentors show us who we can be. Masters show us who we really are."

"Doing things we've never done can often seem very difficult and complicated until the day we actually try them out."

"Friends share with us what they think and feel. Teachers teach us what to do and how to do it. Coaches ask us who we want to be. Mentors show us who we can be. Masters show us who we really are."

"(Children) learn by playing and become the masters of the game. And they do it just by having fun."

On honesty

"When we held back our feelings and said things only to please others, often we ended up upsetting someone later."

"There is no such thing as an unbreakable promise for the future."

On imagination

"in our imagination, we can do anything."

On magic

"Miracles are not accidents. We create them through our choices."

What problems?

"There was nothing to 'solve', just something to share."

"There was nothing to 'solve', just something to share."


"If we count all the things we love in our life, we may find the way to bring in more simplicity and joy into it"

"Maybe it's actually all very simple. No worries-tomorrow is just another day! - 31963

About the Author:

Small Business Coaching and Creating a Mission

By George Carmichael

In this difficult economic climate, small businesses all over the world are feeling the pinch. Getting a small business through such difficult times can be daunting; many small business owners are having a tough time staying motivated and even tougher time maintaining a strong mission for their company. A small business coaching program will help you strengthen and clarify your company's mission.

Many small business owners do not have a good answer when asked: "How is business this year?"

You might have had your own business for several years, or only a short time, but the bottom line is that the current economic crunch has likely hit home for you, just as it has for many small business entrepreneurs.

It is important for you to consider the mission of your company right now, and get re-focused!

A lot of people think that having a company mission is reserved for large corporations and big board rooms. This is not true. It is just as important for a small business to have a clear mission as it is for a large business.

A strong mission for your small business acts as a simple blueprint for your business. You should think about growing your business as a construction contract. A blueprint will provide you with the simple guide that you need to take your business to the next level.

Your company mission will help you understand what you want your business to be. Instead of simply "paying the bills", a mission can push you in the direction that leads to success.

In business, if you focus on something and strive towards it, the chances of achieving the goal are amplified. If your mission is to focus on "paying the bills", then that is what you will achieve. If you do not define the mission for your company, then you cannot see where the business can go.

A strong mission will have meaning, goals, directives, and a vision. Ask yourself about the core values of your business, and you will have a good start on creating a mission.

Once your small business has a clear, strong mission, you will benefit from the help of a small business coach who will help you to take the necessary steps to execute that mission and make your goals a solid reality.

If you require help implementing your mission, remaining focused, pushing through this tough economic time, and re-gaining some purpose for your business, a powerful small business coaching program will be exactly what you need! - 31963

About the Author:

Quotes From Masami Sato's Book : ONE - Sharing The Joy Of Giving

By Masami Sato

Part One of Three

This collection of beautiful quotes that will inspire you to awaken your curiosity about the mystery of life is excerpted from "ONE", a book by Masami Sato, the founder of Buy1GIVE which is a global giving organisation sharing the joy of giving. The quotes in this first edition include topics that are profoundly related to our everyday lives, such as mystery, judgment and connection. This article is the first part of the 3 "ONE Book Life-Changing Quotes Series".

On transforming judgment

"Judgment often has very little relation to reality."

"Actions and words don't always accurately reflect who we are. Every single one of us has had the experience of wanting to undo what we did or said."

On the mystery of life

"It's very, very clear that we don't need to know all of the 'hows' and 'whys' of life to keep living on this planet."

"There are so many things we don't understand in life. In spite of that lack of understanding though, we often enjoy experiencing those things."

"Seeing is important but trying to figure out everything isn't necessary."

"The scientists are not here to reveal the 'truth' because we are here to seek it forever. They are actually here to complicate the game (of life) so that we can have more questions and enjoy the game longer."


"Connection is the core of everything. That's what life is. Connection."

"Every single thing we do is to satisfy the need for connection."

"We cannot feel unhappy when we are feeling totally connected. It's impossible!"

"We are designed to constantly seek ways to connect to each other and to a greater purpose."

"'solutions' coming from fear and doubt may not be the most effective ways. We end up feeling more and more disconnected from each other."

"We can only truly celebrate the victory with others when we win together. Then we feel connected."

"This is the game called ONE. The aim of the game is to 'connect'! We keep connecting until we all become ONE. - 31963

About the Author:

One Straw Millionaire

By Masami Sato

A millionaire made easy through giving!

There is an old historical Japanese tale about giving and it shows how we can receive the most extraordinary gifts when we're giving and appreciative of what we already have.

This is the folk tale.

A long time ago, there lived a penniless young farmer. Nothing that he did turned out to be profitable. He was completely impoverished without any money, without anyone to help and nothing to eat. One night, totally at his wit's end, he went to a shrine and sat near the altar and pleaded to Gods to show him what to do.

"I have always been honest and hardworking, but all my hard work never produced any reward for me. What am I doing wrong?"

He fell asleep near the altar just after he put the question. When he woke up in the morning, he saw in front of him one of the Gods he had seen in his dream, with a bright golden light around him. The God's voice reverberated in his mind.

"When you wake up in the morning, cherish what you have in your hand and go on giving it to others liberally as you proceed," the God commanded.

The farmer was brimming with questions when he woke up but he tried to shake off his sleep and clear his mind of the strange but clear dream he had. However, he saw a bit of a straw in his hand. It must have remained on his clothes while he worked in his fields.

He almost threw it away, but stopped short of doing it recollecting what God had said about it. He seated himself again and stared at the straw in his hand.

He sat for a while unable to comprehend what all that meant. He did not know how a piece of straw can turn out to be useful. Then he saw a wasp hovering around. After a while the wasp settled on one end of his straw. He caught it and with the help of a thread from his clothes, tied it to the straw. And with a wasp at the end of his straw, he went on his way.

He had only walked for a few minutes before he saw a little boy and his mother coming from the other direction. The boy was crying. As he said hello, the boy noticed the wasp moving on the straw that the farmer was holding. He stopped crying and asked for the straw. The farmer nearly declined but then he remembered about the God's message that he needed to treasure what he had but also remembered that he was to give it away to others. So, he offered the straw to the boy. The mother was very appreciative as now the boy stopped crying and began smiling. The mother offered the farmer three tangerines.

The farmer moved on. As he proceeded, he felt hungry. He was about to eat the tangerines when he again remembered that what was important was giving things to others, not giving it to himself.

The farmer was going over a steep hill and on the way he saw a merchant sitting under a tree. The man had a wooden box near him. The farmer wished the man. He appeared to be very tired. He saw the tangerines the farmer held and asked him if he would give it to him. The merchant told the farmer that he was very thirsty.

The farmer was also equally thirsty as the day was hot and he had walked pretty long, still he gave all the three tangerines to the trader. The man ate all the three tangerines and felt fully energized. He felt very thankful to the farmer who was so kind. To show his gratitude, he opened the box that he had kept near him. The box contained several bolts of hand dyed silk. The trader took out one roll, gifted it to the farmer and left.

So off the farmer went again following the path. He found a stream along the way and he took a deep drink making him feel totally refreshed. Life seemed to be easier and was flowing now.

The farmer walked and walked not seeing anyone for a long time. He started to think that maybe this was it - his fortune. So, he decided to go to the nearby town to sell the fabric.

But just as he went around the corner, he saw in front of him a band of fighters. One of the fighters who looked liked the head of the band stood near a horse that was lying on the earth. The farmer heard the leader talking to his men.

"It does not appear that this horse would live much. We will have to leave it here. Nurse it well and catch up with me." With this the leader jumped on to another horse and rode off, moving out of people's sight.

The remaining soldiers were left discussing what to do about it. They were reluctant to kill the animal but they did not have much of a choice. At last one of them took out a sword.

The farmer quickly ran over to them and asked them to stop. He said he would like to look after the horse. He also offered the silk fabric to the warriors. They jumped at the offer and took off very quickly.

The farmer stood there with the horse that was in its death throes. He felt he might have got it all wrong and that he was not destined to be wealthy. Then he thought of the river that he had come across on the way.

He turned back and went to the river, removed his shirt and immersed it in the river to get water for the horse. He went back to the animal lying on the earth and pressed the water out of the shirt gently into its mouth. As the water went inside drop by drop, the animal slowly got recharged and finally the farmer was able to help it stand up.

The horse finally stood up on its legs so the farmer could take the horse to the stream. As the horse took more water and ate some fresh green grass around the stream, it soon began to regain strength.

The farmer now had a companion. They journeyed together, the horse in front, and the farmer panting behind to keep up with it. They traveled for miles in that manner. At last, as the sun was about to set, the animal came to a stop just in front of a rather big house. When the farmer drew alongside, the horse pushed him in the direction of the gate with its snout.

As the farmer approached the gate, the doors swung open and to his surprise, an old man appeared. The old man was rushing outside and was looking a little pale. He noticed the farmer and the horse standing by the gate.

The man queried the farmer what he wanted. The farmer replied that he was in need of a place to retire for the night. The old man in his turn said that he had to go to the town on an important matter and requested the farmer to be in charge of the house till such time that he returned. He said that his returning might get delayed.

The old man looked as if he was in a hurry, so the farmer told him he can take his horse. The old man was very grateful about it and immediately left with the horse. As he left, he said something totally unexpected to the farmer.

"If I do not return within three years, this house is yours."

As you probably guessed, the old man never returned.

So the farmer lived happily ever after in the old man's big house with kind-hearted neighbours around and a land rich in good crops. He always kept in mind the rule that he should give to others what he had.

Thank you for reading this story. And what do you think it is all about?

Maybe there is a key to something. When we can turn our 'getting game' into a 'giving game', our life often flows bringing more abundance. But it is not always easy to practice the old wisdom in our real life.

Here are some of the interesting distinctions we can find in this story :

* When we are ready to give what others need, they will consider it more valuable than while we are trying to 'trade' it (as basically we are always hopeful of getting something out of that transaction), as then they only consider the price we ask for and tend to pay less.

* When we are not possessive of whatever we have, we will perceive that we thereby have more chances as we can release the existing possessions.

* When life seems to deal us a bad hand, instead of focusing on the problem if instead we focused on giving and caring, life seems to end up bringing better luck later.

* When we try to 'cash in' what we have built up, thinking that "this is the best it gets", because we think we may lose out it if we do not cash in now, our life's growth often ends there. What if instead, we continued to be giving generously no matter what we owned or how physically wealthy we were or were not.

Giving is part of many successful people's lives. When we give first, we have more chance of living a life of magnificence, ease and expansion. - 31963

About the Author:

'ONE - Sharing The Joy Of Giving' By Masami Sato - Key Quotes

By Masami Sato

Part Two of Three

This collection of beautiful quotes that will inspire you to discover and embrace the joy of giving is extracted from Masami Sato's second book - "ONE". Masami is the founder of a global giving movement called Buy1GIVE1. The quotes in this edition include topics that are related to our everyday lives, such charity, giving, receiving, joy, making a difference and rich-poor separation. This article is the second part of three "ONE Book Life-Changing Quotes Series".

On giving (and receiving)

"When we give more and communicate wholeheartedly, we have less insecurity-both emotionally and physically."

"Giving love is the only way to be generously loved."

"The people who give more (time, money, kindness, love, ideas) have more of these things because that's the balance. And balance is the natural law of life."

"one key in the giving process is never to expect a return when we give."

"We can feel the real joy of giving when we're doing something for others knowing that we're simply doing it for ourselves-we're doing it for our own joy."

"Giving something to others is so much easier than trying to get it first."

"Giving is just a part of who we are."

"Every single one of us prospers when we learn to give value to others first. We are rewarded naturally."

"We're not here to give in order 'to get'. We're here to have more to give more."

"Because we can't have scarcity when we are totally grateful."

"Giving to others is actually giving to self."

"What if giving actually was as important as brushing teeth?"

"Giving is not just about helping others. It is about sharing the joy. We do it for our own joy first and we pass it on."

On joy

"So without denying the benefit of having more innovation (because it feels good), can we find the way to have more joy in our life? If we can, then we can go beyond the temporal gratification. We can create a sense of permanent certainty."

On charity

"Charity organisations are like our out-sourcing agencies for the giving of our life."

"Businesses and charities are actually the same thing. Someone started the organisation with the passion to do something-to make a difference."

"The moment we start giving out of guilt, we appreciate charities far less."

On having more or having less

"The moment we perceive someone as 'poor', our perception creates the poor feeling in the other person."

"The moment we believe we have more, we're saying others have less. And OUR attitude creates separation."

On making a difference

"Big is nothing other than a whole lot of 'smalls'. Small things can actually transform the world. - 31963

About the Author:

Discover Your 'Giving Honey Bee' Profile

By David Anttony

Bumblebees are all giving by nature. They give naturally to maintain the environment of abundance. But each bee actually takes a different role in maintaining the colony as well as the flower garden. So, I thought human beings are the same. We are all naturally giving and sharing. But we tend to express our giving in different ways. So, here it is a 'giving bumblebee' chart where you can find your bumblebee type. Watch out for the following bumblebee analysis! The more you share your value as a giving bumblebees, the more we can all do together to make a difference.

Check here for image: http://www.buy1-give1free.com/images/What-type-of-giving-bee-are-you-Global-Giving-Village-sml.jpg

Bee type analysis

1. Change-making bee

A giving bumblebee who likes to see change - who spots every opportunity to do something better and worthwhile. A change-making bumblebee often starts up new interesting projects for others to participate in. A flexible thinker who can collaborate well with others while often taking a leadership focus in making change. Many entrepreneurs and creators are this type of giving bee. They are not afraid of experiencing change.

2. Believing bumblebee

A giving bumblebee who believes in one core philosophy very strongly and inspire others to follow. Rather than changing all the time and being too flexible, this giving bumblebee attracts people by being solid like a rock and integral to the unfaltering belief and vision. Some of the religious leaders as well as politicians are this type of giving bumblebee. Believing bees makes for a great leader who attracts large numbers of followers. This bumblebee also can be a great follower who strongly supports an existing belief and excites others to come together.

3. Caring and nurturing bumblebee

A giving bee who may not stand out as a firm leader but actually are the biggest heart focused giver. A caring and nurturing bee is selfless in giving and is always the first to take the giving action when seeing anyone in need. Though this bumblebee seems gentle and subtle, the strong desire to give and care for others drives this giving bee to exhibit some astounding giving acts. Many people who dedicate their lives to giving (volunteering, community service etc) are this type of bee. Giving is totally natural to them.

4. Supporting and uniting bumblebee

A giving bee who sees the biggest value in uniting and collaborating in effective partnerships. This giving bee is very focused on finding existing great ideas, mechanisms, philosophies or beliefs to benefit the community. It tends to support what resonates with him/her more often than coming up with a brand new way. A supporting and uniting bumblebee is less attached to own way and has more flexible thinking while being quite strategic about what to support. Rather than taking direct action emotionally, this bee sees the value in creating the long-term unity. Long-term 'quiet' charity givers and people who take low profile in community giving but stick to the same project for a long time are more often than not this type of bee.

Original article is at: http://www.buy1-give1free.com/index.php/598-What-is-your-giving-bee-type.html - 31963

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